• Position papers

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EDA Position on the regulatory situation in the EU on new food technologies

EDA and its members are committed to consistently protect and preserve dairy protected terms, including new foods and food ingredients (e.g., bioidentical proteins obtained using fermentation or cell-based technologies).

EDA Position on Nutri-Score

Nutri-Score and its new algorithm is still not adapted to dairy products such as cheeses, milk and liquid dairy products.

EDA position on the EC proposal for a revised EU legislation on packaging and packaging waste

EDA welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU) 2019/904 and repealing Directive 94/62/EC.

EDA Position Paper against mandatory origin labelling for milk

As part of the Farm to Fork Strategy, the European Commission is considering extending mandatory origin labelling to more food products because consumers want to know where their food comes from. EDA is concerned about the negative consequences...

EDA position statement on the upcoming legislative framework on green claims

EDA is in favour of a legislative framework regulating claims on the environmental performance of products in the EU and promoting the use of the PEF methodology to substantiate such claims

EDA Position Paper on Front-of-pack nutrition labelling

EDA is committed to ensuring accurate, useful, and credible information to EU consumers. In doing so, EDA fully supports the consumer’s right to be fully informed of the nutritional properties of the foods they consume. In our position paper we...

EDA Position Statement on the EU Commission Roadmap (Inception Impact Assessment) consultation on Sustainable Food Systems

The Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategies are intending a strive towards more sustainable food systems, in Europe and beyond. In the context of the preparation of a future legal framework on sustainable food systems, the European Dairy...

EDA position on the draft Commission guidance on the scope of the Single-Use Plastic Directive 2019/904

The European Dairy Association (EDA) appreciates the EU Commission’s efforts in raising awareness on the problem of marine plastic pollution and is fully committed to further reduce single-use plastic packaging waste along the chain. Nevertheless,...

EDA/EWPA input to COM consultation on the list of products and substances authorised in organic production

The European Dairy Association (EDA) and the European Whey Processors Association (EWPA) welcome the opportunity to provide comments on the draft Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) authorising certain products and substances for use in organic...