EDA Press Releases

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EDA congratulates EU Commission for concluding a political agreement on a EU-Mexico modernised trade deal

EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan and Secretary of the Economy of Mexico Guajardo Villarreal announced on Saturday 21st April the conclusion of an agreement in principle on trade and investment...

EDA calls for a swift ratification of the EU - Japan Free Trade Agreement

EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström has presented yesterday the outcome of negotiations for the Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan...

Fairness in the milk supply chain and Unfair Trading Practices (UTPs)

Today’s proposal by EU Commissioner Phil Hogan for a EU-wide framework on unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the food supply chain reinforces the position of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

The EU dairy industry supports the sustainability commitments and the important role of the dairy sector in striving towards the development goals.

Dairy provides healthy nutrition, societal and environmental benefits and engages to further enforce all these pillars in the support of the global sustainable development goals. The European dairy sector brings three major ‘qualitative’ pillars to...

Brexit: the Future EU-UK Dairy Framework

EDA and DairyUK officially presented their joint ‘Future EU UK Dairy Framework’ to chief negotiators Michel Barnier and David Davis.

The future for dairy, food and farming

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) measures are of great importance to the functioning of our chain and hence for the dairy industry, the most important agricultural sector in Europe, present in all EU Member States. EDA therefore accompanies...

The EU dairy sector highlights the nutritional value of dairy & refutes the proposed traffic light labelling by ENL

The European Dairy Association (EDA) supports the consumers’ right to be fully informed on the nutritional properties of foods which is one of the legal requirement of the Food Information to Consumers Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. EDA believes...

“European dairy exports on record track – local roots and global business”

Two weeks after the publication of the update and implementation report of the European Commission’s ‘Trade or All’ strategy, EU Commissioner for Trade, Ms Cecilia Malmström, joins the EDA European Dairy Platform on Friday 29 September 2017 to...

The EU Dairy Sector calls for EP support for the new rules on Total Diet Replacement

The EU dairy sector represented by EDA and supported by EWPA has always backed the new rules on slimming foods/total diet replacement (TDR) proposed by the European Commission, in particular by the new recommended minimum protein content of 75 g/day...

CETA: EDA calls for a fair management of the cheese TRQ

Within weeks from the implementation of the trade pillar of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, the European Dairy Association expresses its concerns regarding the management of the cheese Tariff-Rate Quotas which would...

Simplification should be the focus of today’s and of the future CAP

With today’s Commission’s Conference 'The CAP: Have your say', EDA welcomes the openness of the Commission and the commitment of EU Commissioner Phil Hogan to have a broad discussion on the future of the CAP.

EDA welcomes the political agreement on the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement

The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and by the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk have signed today a political agreement, establishing the main elements of the EU-Japan Free...

EDA celebrates the 30th anniversary of the European protection of dairy terms, like “milk” and “butter”

In the EU, milk and dairy products have been legally recognised for decades as unique in their nutritional composition, quality and source, being the secretion from a mammal...

EU Ombudsman reacts to EDA complaint letter on origin labelling

Even though the French and other national decrees on origin labelling substantially violate the provisions of EU Regulation 1169/2011, France has been authorised by the European Commission on 5th July 2016 to test a national technical regulation on...

National decrees on mandatory origin labelling for milk and dairy products

The EU Commission failed to defend the core principles of the Union.

EDA stands against the introduction of national rules on mandatory origin labelling for milk and dairy products

National laws on mandatory origin labelling for milk and dairy products: we urgently call on the EU Commission to defend the core single market principles of the Union.

Joint SNE-EDA statement on Young Child Formulae

Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE) and European Dairy Association (EDA) regret the European Commission’s lack of will to adopt specific rules for Young Child Formula

PR EDA | 14 March 2016 – Agricultural Council and the dairy situation

Strengthening the European dairy industry’s competitiveness can help overcome current difficulties and unlock new opportunities, said the European Dairy Association (EDA) this week.

PR EDA | World School Milk Day 30 September 2015

EDA commends the European Commission in its recent package, for highlighting the importance of the School Food scheme and the need for improvements.

PR EDA | EDA's recommendations to Agri ministers for Council meeting 7 September

EDA calls for market orientation, increased market access and internal policy coherence

PR EDA | EDA’s view on the COMAGRI vote of the Nicholson Dairy report

Prospects for the EU Dairy sector- Implementation of the Dairy Package

PR EDA | Publication of COM report on Origin Labelling for milk, dairy and other meats

Origin indications are of high value to the dairy sector, but need to remain voluntary

PR EDA | Dairy Product Environmental Footprint Project

Sustainable Dairy: Dairy Product Environmental Footprint project

PR EDA | MMO 1st Anniversary

EU Dairy: enhanced market transparency – the 1st anniversary of the Milk Market Observatory (MMO)

IDM-EDA Column

"The New Policy Framework for European Dairy"

IDM, March 2022


"A landmark event - EDA Dairy Policy Conference 2018"

IDM, March 2018 

"Preventing malnutrition among elderly - The potential of Dairy"

IDM, February 2018 

"European Dairy Platform 2017"

IDM, September 2017 

"EDA/ASSIFONTE Annual Convention"

IDM, September 2017 

"The Future of the CAP post 2020 for Dairy"

IDM, August 2017

"Why a soy drink cannot be called milk"

IDM, July 2017

"EDA Dairy Policy Conference 2017"

IDM, March 2017


"EDA in discussion with EU Commissioner Phil Hogan"

IDM, December 2016


"CAP post 2020"

EDA Breakout Session 2016

IDM, December 2016


"Strategies under the microscope"

EDA Breakout Session 2016

IDM, December 2016



"The Obesity Challenge: Is reducing sugar in chocolate milk the ultimate solution ?"

IDM, April 2016


"EDA Policy Conference 2016"

IDM, April 2016



"WTO is still alive"

IDM, March 2016



"EDA World Dairy Summit 2015 in Edinburgh"

IDM, October 2015


"Marketing Health - EDA World Dairy Summit 2015"

IDM, October 2015



"EDA Policy Conference 2015: Dairy Policy for the 21st Century"

IDM, March 2015

"Market without milk quota"

by Alexander Anton, EDA Secretary General

in IDM, February 2015

"Sustainable Dairy Economics"

by Alexander Anton, EDA Secretary General

in IDM, September 2014