Board Members

I am honoured to take over the EDA Presidency – today, our European trade association is at a new level of visibility, access and impact in Brussels and beyond. 

On this strong basis, we will be able to address the challenges ahead while acting as ambassadors of the European dairy sector is a symbol of Europe’s rich cultural and culinary heritage I am committed to bring in my experience, my knowledge and all my energy in my new role.

– EDA President Giuseppe Ambrosi

Magdalena Szabłowska

Company: Mlekovita

Giuseppe Ambrosi

Position: EDA President

Company: AmbrosiSpa

Christos Apostolopoulos

Company: Ηellenic Association of Milk and Dairy Products Industry

Anna-Kaisa Auvinen

Company: Valio International Ops.

Antoni Bandrés

Company: Danone

Rui Baptista

Company: Bel Portugal

Judith Bryans

Company: Dairy UK

Lien Callewaert

Company: BCZ-CBL - Belgian Dairy Industry Association

Frédéric Chausson

Company: SODIAAL

Erekle Gamkredlidze

Company: DairyGeorgia (partner member)

Albert de Groot

Company: Vreugdenhil

Vittorio Fiore

Company: Gruppo Lactalis Italia Srl

Gilles Gérard

Company: Luxlait Association Agricole

Peter Giørtz-Carlsen

Company: Arla Foods amba

Peter Kofoed

Company: Federation of Swedish Farmers

Ingo Müller

Company: DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH

Conor Mulvihill

Company: Dairy Industries Ireland (DII)

Peter Novorolnik

Company: Slovenský mliekarenský zväz (SMZ) (Partner Member)

Pawel Pasternak

Company: MLEKPOL

Helmut Petschar

Company: Kärntnermilch reg.Gen.m.b.H

Maido Solovjov

Company: c/o Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce

Jan Teplý

Company: Madeta a.s.

Tomaž Žnidarič

Company: Ljubljanske mlekarne

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